Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Perfect Storm

Big Three Crisis
We weren't going to mention this until our return on August 5, but so much is happening so quickly we decided to get on record now.

All three of our major sports leagues - the NBA, NFL & MLB - are currently dealing with a PR crisis. That's never happened before.

The NBA and the commissioner's office has the worst scenario of all - dealing with a potential point shaving scandal. We already stated this is a manageable crisis if it only involves one official. Nonethless, it will tarnish the league's image for some time. There is nothing worse in sports than the perception that the fix is in.

The NFL has quickly acted before camp opens, attempting to deflate the maddening constant news cycle over the Michael Vick/dog-fighting case. From a PR standpoint, keeping Vick away from the gridiron in '07 was a wise move by the NFL. The fact that the league stepped in and he did not do it voluntarily indicates he is still getting bad advice. Vick is radioactive right now and will likely remain so for some time.

If the allegations are found to be true, there will be a push by some to give him a lifetime ban. It will be interesting to see how the league will handle this long-term. There is still the possibility he (Vick) eventually pleads out and gets a reduced sentence with minimal or no jail time at all. Then what does the league do?

As for MLB, they have more of an uncomfortable mess on their hands. B. Bonds will break the career home run record soon. If he does it at home, the historical video will show a receptive audience present. If he does it on the road, the reception will not nearly be as kind. Instead of trading deadline chatter, the media discussion this week has focused on whether Bonds should be kept out of the line up or not on the road so as to ease the pain for all concerned. The commissioner (Bud Selig) is also not likely to attend the breaking of this country's greatest individual sports record. This is very uncomfortable for all concerned.

The good news for MLB is that this event's current news cycle will end relatively soon after Bonds breaks the mark and we should not have to wait another 70 years to see it shattered. A-Rod, if healthy, should ease everyone's pain before calling it quits.

All three cases are fascinating PR sports studies taking place at the exact same time - like the perfect storm! From the selfish "me society" at work to "due process" to numerous other variables in play, it's a media consultant's dream and a fan's confusing nightmare.

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