Saturday, May 22, 2010

Short & Quick

I saw all over the cable networks yesterday that 186 dead sea turtles washed up on our southern shores due to the oil spill in the Gulf. It was as though life as we know it was about to come to an end. I’m sure there will be more in the coming days and weeks.

Meanwhile, the North Koreans torpedoed a South Korean boat – killing 46, which is an act of war, and the nutty Iranians get closer and closer each day to having a weapon that can wipe out Israel.

Yet, I am supposed to get worked up over sea turtles dying and the cost of shrimp to perhaps double next year.

Am I the only one who thinks we have entered a parallel universe – where everything and everyone is %$#@UP?

Here’s part of the solution when the bulk of this mess hits the shores – have BP hire and pay (say $25 an hour and benefits for a year) fishermen in the Gulf states who now can’t work to help clean up the mess.

There is more – the head of ICE, the feds responsible for sending illegal aliens back, recently stated he may not enforce Arizona’s new anti-illegal alien law. Mind you, this is a law favored by 70% of Arizonians and over 60% of Americans.

Yet, this administration seems hell bent on confusing the public by stating this law permits cops to pull anyone over they please and ask for ID.

This is a clear-cut lie and they know it.

Or perhaps they don’t, since several in the administration, including Attorney General Eric “I can’t utter the words radical Islam” Holder, haven’t read the law – all 18 pages of it. That’s the equivalent of half a chapter in any freshman science text at a community college near you. He must be too busy granting suspected terrorist Miranda rights as though they were born in Paris, Texas and lived on the family farm all their lives rasing cattle.

The law - available on line for all to read – clearly states no profiling is to take place and the individual(s) in question must already have draw the ire of safety units (i.e. been pulled over for speeding).

Regardless, this administration and its friends in the media want to politicize the issue, get the base jazzed and stir up animosity between ethnic groups. Nice.

What they don’t get is that the majority of Americans are smarter than that – we can read. The only people they are convincing are those incapable of reading or hard core lefties who think this country is the root of all evil any way.


Last but not least – an assistant Secretary of State recently told the Chinese we in America have our own problems with discrimination – the new Arizona law.

Here’s a high ranking member of the U.S. State Department making a moral equivalence between a legal law passed by an individual state, and the Chinese, who arrest and incarcerate their own for merely uttering anti-government rhetoric, and shoot to kill people who come across their borders illegally from North Korea and beyond.

You can’t make this shit up if you tried.

What’s next – are we going to prosecute Navy Seals for roughing up a captured Al Qaeda member who killed Americans?

Oops! They did that already.

Remember what I stated way back when – every three or four election cycles, the American public forgets what it’s like to put liberals in charge and decide to hand them the keys to the car (i.e. Jimmy Carter in 1976). Once they crash it into the stop sign again (aka: over reach with policies the majority of the country disapproves of), the grown-ups are put back in charge.

2012 can’t come soon enough for many.

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