Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Short & Quick

Out of Control
The inmates have officially taken over the asylum.

That’s what I think of this summer’s craze with where LeBron and company will end up. And I say this less than 24 hours before James makes “The Decision,” as it’s being billed by ESPN for tomorrow’s 9 p.m. prime time James love fest.

I’ve been on record for several years in saying if I were a betting man, I’d say he’s (LBJ) leaving. I could care less what he actually decides to do, except that I feel for those businesses and individuals in downtown Cleveland that will be economically affected if James leaves.

As for those who live and die with this stuff – and you know who you are, I have one thing to say – Get a life!

If he leaves, please don’t grip and head to the locked garage to stick an exhaust pipe through the window of your 1985 Gremlin while turning on the ignition.

It’s not the end of the world. The sun will come up again Friday morning – I promise. In fact, it's supposed to be 85 and clear.

And why would you freak out over a guy who not only leaves his hometown, but decides to rub it in good and nasty by starring in his own one hour television special announcing the decision?

Finally, why go nuts over a dude who quit on his team in arguably the most important game in franchise history (game #5 versus Celtics)? I'll never let that go.

And if he decides to stay, that’s great for the Cavs and the community. But please, don’t get plastered and start setting cop cars on fire down Euclid like you are celebrating a world title.

He’s an athlete/entertainer – he didn’t just cure cancer or come up with a new cheaply produced and abundantly available energy source.

Look, like I said, I hope the guy hangs around, but as you can tell, I have lost a lot of respect for the man over the past couple years because of the way he’s handled this.

And as he’s gotten closer and closer to making his decision, it’s gotten worse and worse.

In the dictionary under self-centered, it says the following: “concerned only with one’s own self.” If should include a glossy 8x10 of LBJ for the way he’s dragged this out, oblivious of how it has affected everyone else.

And don’t try to sell me the ridiculous, narcissistic (aka: self love), made for television special with the “we are giving the commercial proceeds to charity” line.

I’m in the business, at least I was for a long, long time and pretty good at it too. I know PR bull when I see it. That’s just cover for LBJ and Nike to continue to build the James “Brand.”

Could you imagine Larry Bird, Magic Johnson or the real “23” pulling this “made for television” stunt?

And those guys each had multiple championships while LBJ has “Witness”
T-shirts available for sale at your local Drug Mart.

I actually had a semi-family member ask me if I’d like one for X-mas a couple years back.

He was surprised I didn’t have a "Witness" shirt since I worked in sports and lived in NE Ohio.

I then informed him I would rather he give me what they gave the American Indians in the 1840s – blankets with smallpox – than a “We are Witnesses” shirt. He was speechless.

I simply don't believe in hero worship - but you know that already.

Back on point - this is what happens when you’ve had your $#@ kissed since you were a freshman in high school x10. I don’t think anyone has ever told this young man when enough is enough, let alone “NO.”

And I say this regardless of what decision he makes on his basketball future. The guy simply needs to get a grip on reality before he starts believing his $#@ don’t stink!

Yea, I know, I'm really unloading on the guy but it's not like he's a low-life and beats women or gets plastered on a regular basis and then drives a two ton weapon on the open road.

I get it. Perhaps I'm a little over the top. But if you have a basic level of self-humility in your make-up, aren't you creeped out some by this spectacle?

Bosh & Johnson
As for Chris Bosh – come on. He didn’t want to go to Cleveland because it would hurt his “brand”? There’s that word again. This from a guy who has won as many NBA playoff series in his seven-year NBA career as you and me – none!

And Joe Johnson, a good NBA scorer and nothing more, got the max from Atlanta. Get serious. How many years experience of evaluating NBA talent do you need to have to realize that was a bad move - none.

I could go on, but why bother – you get the point.

Like I said – the inmates are running the asylum.

As for the "Brand" concept. This is a word that has gathered a ton of steam the past 10 years or so. It's popular in business, industry and academics. Now it has made its way into sports.

As someone who works in the field of words, I think it's way over-used and in many cases, silly even to reference the term, especially when you are an athlete who hasn't won a donut.

Again - some folks simply take themselves way too seriously.

Class Act & Humility
I wonder what Lenny Wilkens, a true NBA professional and terrific human being who played and coached in Cleveland, is thinking right now about LBJ and this whole circus?

To me it’s about carrying yourself with class and substance, it's not about image.
You see, the Lenny Wilkens' of this world never have to brand themselves.

Till next time. Be good.

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