Monday, December 20, 2010


I did not share my thoughts last week because I was contemplating keeping such thoughts to myself from here on out.

In simple English, I am tired of not only being ahead of the curve, but of being the F%$#@ curve.

I'm bored by this stuff now because so much of it is obvious to me while it takes everyon else a S%$#@load of time to catch up.

I know it sounds pompous, but as Dizzy Dean said, "It ain't bragging if you can do it."

So the long and the short of it - no more telling the world Reggie Bush wasn't worth a top-5 pick, Peralta needed to be moved to a different position and Cabrera moved to SS, CC needed dealt before he walked (ditto LBJ), Butterfingers and DA needed to be dealt before their value dropped, the Browns' WR corps is of college quality at best, Eric Wright is not a quality starting corner, the Walrus should not have kept Mangini, the Cavs are a 29 win team - at best, etc...

No, I don't have a perfect batting average, but if you check my history, it's better than anyone else's - especially since I say it a year or two before everyone and I don't have the fatal gene the rest of the sports world has - sports amnesia (that short-term memory of only remembering the last week's action.)

Unless I get a clamor demanding I continue to express my thoughts publicly, I will keep them to myself.

Remember - Always piss standing up fellas and enjoy the holidays.

1 comment:

T-Ron said...

Please do not threaten your readers with such non-sense. Your thoughts are needed.